Happy, Hopeful

I’m not winning any NaBloPoMo writing awards, but I’ll keep at it.

Last week was a long one for me, both professionally and personally, but in a good way. I’m happy with the election outcomes and also aware that more work needs to be done. I had a few nights of working very late, but all for good reasons. I co-presented at a conference and had a great experience meeting people in my field and really, really diving deep into issues. It was powerful and I’m still replaying conversations in my head.

I’m also hopeful that there will be changes to my professional life. I took this picture on Wednesday morning, and I really was happy and hopeful.


I topped the conference off by driving to far northern Wisconsin, where I spent the weekend at a friend’s cabin. Twelve women away from their daily lives, laughing, staying up too late and getting up too early.

Happy. Hopeful. What about you?

2 thoughts on “Happy, Hopeful

    • Aw, thanks, Mia! Something about being 34 – must be the fact that we’re twice our high school age – that makes adulthood feel real 🙂

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